What is an ethical will?

An ethical will comes from an ancient Jewish tradition that has seen a resurgence among people of all religions. In a traditional will you pass along assets to the next generation. In an ethical will you pass along your values, experiences and traditions to future generations. This is not a time to air grievances against a family member or others. It can be presented while the author is alive or after their passing. An ethical will is not a legal document rather it is a beautiful gift you give your family.

The purpose of an ethical will

The purpose of an ethical will is to insure the values and traditions you hold dear are expressed to the next generation. Just like family jewels, these are valuable but non-tangible things you want to keep in the family and for generations not yet born.

How to make an ethical will

An ethical will can be a written or video document. It can be in the form of an interview, a diary, or a letter to future generations. The ethical will can be in the form of stories or a list. The author can write it with the help of family or present it as a gift. Again, there are no rules since this is not a legal document.

What should you include in an ethical will?

Values that are important to you should be included. Giving charity (you may want to mention certain charities or groups), taking care of the earth, treating family members and others with respect are some ideas. Religious practices and traditions you would like your family to keep are good to mention. If you put these ideas in the form of stories, you illustrate how you practiced them in your lifetime. By using stories, you demonstrate your values and create memories for future generations.

You can include: memories of hard times and how you overcame them; discussion of mistakes you made and what you would do different; famous people you met; interesting places you visited and what you learned; why you think education is important and other ideas.

What an ethical will should be and should not be

An ethical will is a document filled with love, warm memories and advice. It should not be: vindictive, mean or despondent. Whichever tone you choose, your grandchildren will remember you as having those qualities. How do you want to be remembered?

picture: Pixabay